Friday, February 6, 2009

Open Letter To: Anyone That Happens to be Reading This!!!

Dear Anyone That Happens to be Reading This,

First off hello my name is Jason and I'm grammatically challenged. Seriously, I would be shocked if grammatically was even a word in the dictionary. If you are reading this you probably know that I mainly write about running and my observations on running, or maybe you just happened to come across this blog hoping I was a famous athlete that was giving a look into his or her personal life. Sorry to disappoint. The closest I ever came to athletic stardom is being blown out in a state championship football game in high school. Oh yeah, a couple of years and about 60 pounds ago I was mistaken for a All Pro linemen that plays for the Chicago Bears. So much for my fifteen minutes of fame.

I know that my beautiful wife occasionally reads this blog. Shout out to you Alisa!!! Hopefully you get back to your Face Book and away from your recent gambling addiction. Seriously, I think Kenny Rodgers said it best, " You go to know when to hold them...know when to fold them...and most important when to walk away".
I kid, because I love. I also recently noticed I have a follower on my blog page, which was very shocking to me. Especially when I found out it was my extremely intelligent cousin. I thinking she reads this occasionally to see that America is really becoming dumbed down. And what better place to see it happening than on this blog. I'm sure there are others, I hear rumours. To you silent Blog Stalkers, I'm glad you're here. I mean why waste time reading a interesting book or magazine when you can read this garbage.

Lastly, I promise to get back to writing about running because I know that's what my audience really wants. Actually it's what I want and need to write about at this point in my life. Besides my wife and two children, running is the only thing that keeps me sane. In an unfair business world of I'll rub your back and hopefully you'll return the favor, and where ridiculously low bidders just pick random numbers out of thin air. When running I'm in control and rewarded for my hard work no matter how low the number, or time. During these economic times I find that much more refreshing. Peace Out!!!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

You're on to something there with the "control" issue. Right now we need to desperately hold on to those things that we can control and not get too upset about the things we can't. Sometimes I think we're the only one who feels this way, but that is definitely not true. I hope you kill your marathon goal!!! Go Jason!!!!