Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fay Blows!!! I Blow Back???

Fay tried her darnedest to thwart my 4 miler this morning. I really do not have the body designed for running in the first place, you know slender, tone, and statuesque like. Mine is more like wide, flabby, and baroque like. And if there is one thing my body is not well equipped for given my over all massiveness, it's wind. Even though the winds from Fay were minimal this morning parts of my run felt like I was on a treadmill. But, being a strong and powerful runner I cut the wind like a hot knife going through butter, or maybe it was more like a not so sharp and large object cutting a cinder block. Either way, you can see by looking at the numbers below I'm a force to be reckoned with in the running community. Peace Out!!!

4 miles 34 minutes 8:30 pace 685 calories

mile 1: 8:49

mile 2: 8:18

mile 3: 8:33

mile 4: 8:34

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Maybe the tail winds from Fay increased your speed. Don't complain... she may have helped you along.