Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tag I'm It!!! Who gives a shit??? 6 random things about me!!!

1.) I'm actually a natural blonde. And yes I dye all my hair so the drape matches the curtains, or whatever that saying is.

2.) I was found in a grocery store parking lot by what I now know as my parents when I was only a few months old. Ironically, my brother was found in a dumpster behind the same grocery store years later. My oldest sister was actually brought home by my parents from the hospital, however they were just giving blood for cash and thought a new born could possibly rake in more money on the black market. My youngest sister was found in between a bank and an accountants office. Rumours are she was burying coins in the alleyway.

3.) I am related to Samuel Sewell, who happens to be the judge in Salem that got rid of that pesky witch problem they had up north way back then. Funny after all those years the Bennett men have been cursed to only be allowed to marry modern age witches.

4.) As much as I talk about finding a trophy wife, the truth is I'd never even bother. First of all it was to much work, but well worth it, the first time around. Secondly, if that's even a word, my wife is the only person who reads this trash that I take hours to type when I should be working.

5.) I am going to go out on a limb and predict that we are either heading, in or coming out of a recession. And someday we will have a black president. Possibly as soon as next year.

6.) Put in Turtle's situation on Entourage, I would have had a hard time leaving California. You know without ever having a chance to see Sea World and all!!!


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