Wednesday, September 2, 2009

While Virtual DOA is Horsin' Around the Real McCoy is all Business!!!

Virtual DOA has made it to Lexington, Kentucky and as you can probably figure out from the title horses are all the rage in this neck of the woods. After all Lexington is known as both the "Thoroughbred City" as well as the "Horse Capital of the World". Need more proof that Lexington is Ga Ga for Horsies??? Take a quick trip to the Visitor's Bureau web site and you can read about a silly blue horse that people have supposedly seen in Lexington. To make a long story short some horse ate the bluegrass that is famous in this area and magically turned blue. Awe inspiring huh!!! Ironically the horse's name is Big Lex, Talk about creative!!! On this web site you can also report "Big Lex sightings" and play a scavenger hunt game. I only hope for the folks of Lexington sake, that the Where's Waldo people never hear about this. I smell a law suit!!!!

Anywho peeps... Numbers for the month of August. Ran 154 miles. Burned 22,668 calories, (unfortunately I think I consumed 100,000 calories) Loose Change is up to .99 cents. My legs are feeling a bit sore from the training and I seem to have some type of small pain developing in the Achilles area. I'm hoping it's just sore muscle and not the beginning of my legs finally failing from the fatally obese body it's been carrying around for the past two years. Regardless, come November I plan on making Philly my BITCH!!! Peace Out!!!